During the COVID-19 lockdown, I’ve been craving another childhood favourite: my Aunty Linda’s Cucumber and Pineapple Pickle. An absolute winner, jars were distributed throughout the family as Christmas presents but often barely lasted till New Year’s Day. It reminds me of going on family summer hikes to Shine’s Falls in Hawkes Bay and taking a packed lunch with cheese and (this) pickle sandwiches and Mum’s ‘sawdust’ (basically a flapjack). Wow I am MISSING MY FAMILY! But I’m very happy to be giving my own kids this little taste from my history.
Makes 6-8 regular jam jars
You need sterilised jars (see note*)
2 x 25 cm cucumbers
2 cups drained cubed or crushed pineapple
4 large onions, cubed
1½ cups sugar
2 cups white wine vinegar
4 tsp salt
2 tsp turmeric
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp celery seeds
8-10 tsp cornflour
Halve, seed and cut up cucumber in to small cubes of about 1cm. Cut pineapple in to similarly small cubes if it's not already. Put all the ingredients except the cornflour in a large saucepan. Stirring frequently, bring to the boil then simmer, uncovered, for 15 minutes. Mix the cornflour to a paste with a little extra vinegar (about 1-2 Tbsp). Stir in to pickle, simmer 2-3 minutes longer (more past may need to be added). Bottle. This recipe only makes 3 jam jars – double the recipe.
*To sterilise your jars, wash the jars and lids in hot soapy water, but don't dry them. Instead, leave them to stand upside down on a roasting tray while they're still wet. Pop the tray of clean, wet jars and lids in to a preheated oven at 160-180ºC for about 15 mins
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